Vedic Astrology:
The Science of Light and Life Counseling

Joing our waitlist and we will contact you when the offering is available!

The study of Jyotish, known as the science of light, helps us understand how patterns in the cosmos give insight to other patterns that we may find in our day-to-day experiences.

By learning about and understanding these patterns, we can gain insights to optimize our life. We will systematically review astronomical sciences, how they connect to astrological principles, and how those combinations give insight into life.

Vedic sciences are designed to enable us to live our best life. Ayurveda addresses our physical, mental and spiritual wellness through understanding our unique combinations of elements, doshas and gunas. Similarly, Jyotish gives us insight to the material phases of our life like family, career, relationships, financial well-being, and dwellings through the patterns found in the cosmos.

What you get in this on-demand course:

  • Twelve 90-minute live sessions online
  • Video lessons and replays of all live sessions with lifetime access
  • Question & Answer within each session
  • Access to a community forum to ask questions - open for 6 weeks
  • Handouts and charts to support your learning
  • Example Horoscopes for application of principles
  • Course completion certificate

Lesson Plan

The subject of this course will be natal astrology, which assesses the patterns in the cosmos at the time of one’s birth. In order to get to a place where we can do a basic assessment, we will review the building blocks of Jyotish, which include signs, planets, houses, asterisms, and the combinations they create. We will conclude the course by rooting you in the fundamentals of Jyotish as measured by a basic assessment, so you can advance your study in Jyotish and deepen your knowledge from here.


  • The concept of karma and how Jyotish gives us insight to various levels of karma and optimal roles and timelines; causation vs correlation; types of Jyotish.
  • Astronomy basics and how it relates to astrology; positions of constellations, planets, houses, orbital movements, rising and setting
  • Foundational components of Jyotish - houses, constellations (rashi), planets, nakshatras
  • Bhava vichara - using the combinations of planets, houses and rashis to assess karmic patterns
  • Vimshottari dasha - sequence of ruling planets in a timeline
  • Planetary strength, weakness, stability and instability
  • Concept of yogas - unique combinations
  • Proforma for a chart reading - example charts / readings
  • Medical Jyotish
  • How to use Jyotish as a tool for providing guidance; where to continue your study from here.

Meet the Teacher

Devang Shah

Devang is passionate about anything that inspires the scientific and mechanical side of his brain. This life-long exploration has led to an Electrical Engineering degree from CalTech and has also called Devang to study extensively with highly regarded master’s of the Vedic Traditions, including Hart deFouw (completing both the Vastu and Jyotish trilogies under Hart’s tutelage) and Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc (having audited the ASP1 program at The Ayurvedic Institute).

Devang's appreciation of the gross and subtle mechanics of the world around him translates into many interests, including an abiding love of bicycles, coffee, cars, and Vastu Shastra - as the study of space and the flow of energy within that space.

Devang is a caring teacher, whose passion and respect for his subjects is infectious! The attention Devang brings to the minute details means that he offers insightful and lasting instruction, especially in those subjects that rely on a system of understanding, such as Vastu Shastra and Jyotish.

Join this masterclass and receive

Twelve 90-minute live sessions online  

Video lessons and replays of all live sessions with lifetime access

Question & Answer within each session

Access to a community forum to ask questions - open for 6 weeks

Handouts and charts to support your learning

Example Horoscopes for application of principles

Course completion certificate

Vedic Astrology:
The Science of Light and Life Counseling

Joing our waitlist and we will contact you when the offering is available!

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How long will I have access to the recordings?

Once you have signed up for a webinar as a live offering or as a recording you will have access to that product and recorded content indefinitely! This includes access to class handouts, any downloads, white board notes, and drawings (where applicable) for as long as you need!

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Can I get a discount for purchasing a recording?

The quality of our recorded content is extremely important to us and we strive to create content that maintains our high level of instruction and presentation throughout. This means that even our recorded content has a high educational and experiential value. We price our recordings accordingly - and the listed price takes into account all the material you will get access to. For this reason we do not offer discounts on recorded content.

What if I have no background in medicine or Ayurveda? Do I need any background to understand the content in the seminar?

Our seminars are intentionally accessible for anyone - even those relatively new to Ayurveda. This particular seminar will be best enjoyed by someone with an understanding of Ayurvedic concepts around the doshas and the prakruti-vikruti paradigm.The speaker may become more technical, but we always bring it back to the basics.

I heard mention of a practice / herb protocol / books / technique in the content - where can I find out more information?

Please check all of the downloadable content in your course - often content creators have a number of additional learning resources available for download and will specify these details in these downloadable handouts.

If the content is mentioned in the presentation of the course and not included in the support materials you can reach out to us here: and we will see if we can help!

Alternatively, if you would like to explore a practice, herb protocol, or technique mentioned in the course but would like to learn more about it you can schedule a wellness consultation with one of our Ayurvedic Practitioners here.

Do you offer PACE credits for this seminar?

PACE stands for Professional Acknowledgment for Continuing Education. At the end of your course you will receive a certification that reflects the number of hours completed. The National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) will generally provide you with 1 PACE credit per hour of instruction. AyurPrana does not offer these credits ourselves and we are not registered with NAMA - nor do we facilitate the submission to NAMA for credit hours, this needs to be competed by the attendee themselves. Our courses ARE accepted for PACE credits - after your course completion, you can submit to NAMA for your PACE credits. Visit NAMA here for more details:

Can I meet the instructor/s for an Ayurvedic consultation?

Not all of our content creators are available for consultations - but all of our content creators are supported by one of our Ayurvedic Practitioners who work on the course / webinar content and help facilitate. You can explore our active Ayurvedic Practitioners here

If you would like to enquire about consultations with Vasant Lad - you can add your name to the waitlist here  - please note that we proceed down this list on a first come first served basis, but will access and prioritize severe cases. Please note that it can be 18 months before an available consultation opens with Vasant Lad.

What is your refund and cancellation policy?

We do not offer cancellations or refunds for recorded webinars.

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