Mitesh Raichada, CAP

AyurPrana Co-Founder and Practitioner

Mitesh is inspired by his connection to Source and is a constant seeker of knowledge, who will support his clients by integrating modern science with Ayurveda.

Mitesh’s passion for Ayurveda was first cultivated while studying to become a certified practitioner under Vasant Lad. An enthusiastic and unyielding seeker of knowledge, Mitesh studied Indian philosophy at the Tattvajnana Vidhyapeeth in India at an ashram for 2years, Jyotish with Hart deFouw, holds a Reiki Level 1 certification, and has undertaken intensive clinical immersion programs with Vasant Lad in India. These days, Mitesh is busy being the Executive Vice President of the Ayurvedic Institute, but before that, he co-founded a highly successful real estate and hospitality company. When not studying, teaching, or practicing, you can find Mitesh playing his bass guitar or enjoying the limitless beauty of nature.


Bhastrika with Kumbaka and Bandas to be in the Gap / Space / Void and path to the Divine.


Kshut Nigraha - Fasting to reset Gi, reduce inflammation, and induce Autophagy, increase Agni


Hiking, Philosophy, Learning about evolving healing modalities and tech, Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork, Kirtan, Learning from Others over a cup of chai, laughing with my friends, listening and playing music.

Learn with Mitesh