Vrinda Devani, MD, CAP, RYT

AyurPrana Medical Director

Vrinda is on this journey of life alongside everyone else. Her offering to her students is part of her self exploration. She loves learning from other students!

As a board-certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Vrinda Devani, MD has a passion for women’s health and empowering women towards vibrant health and living. She is a believer in unfolding the human body’s potential through a blend of complementary and allopathic medicine.

She has been extremely fortunate to study Ayurveda under Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, completing both the Ayurvedic Studies Program Levels 1 and 2, and furthering her studies in Ayurvedic women’s health with travels in Nepal with Dr. Sarita Shrestha. She draws upon this experience, her experience as the previous Director of Research and Product Development at Banyan Botanicals, and her life experience as a clinician, mother, and spiritual seeker, to serve her clients and community.

Dr. Devani has been recognized as an expert in Ayurvedic women’s health, being invited to speak and write for various prestigious audiences.


Uttanasana- love the release and sense of surrender in this pose.


Shirodhara! And I love the warmth and nourishment of pippali.


Reading! Student for life! I also love hiking and doing art after my kids are fast asleep.

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