Exploring Rasa Vaha Srotas - The Channels of Nutrition

Sale price$150.00

Rasa Vaha Srotas is an intricate channel that conveys the essential nutritive elements for the first tissues formed after the digestion of food. These nutritive juices nourish the tissues of all organs in the body - supporting all the processes of life.

When this vast and intricate system is out of balance it can present in disorders as wide-ranging as ringing in the ears/hypersensitivity to sound, anemia, heart palpitations, and hair loss

With Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, founder and director of The Ayurvedic Institute, you will explore the particular ways the Rasa Vaha Srotamsi of the body become imbalanced and the signs and symptoms that manifest as a result - with a particular lens on the plasma and lymphatic systems. Together exploring the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual impacts of these imbalances.

Vasant Lad will offer the insights he’s gained through decades of clinical Ayurvedic experience, teaching you comprehensive methods to manage Rasa Vaha Srotas disorders in yourself and your clients by using Ayurvedic herbs, dietary interventions, and lifestyle amendments to restore balance and health to this critical channel within the body.

Course Details:
Length: 5 hours
Credits: 5

Ayurvedic Visionary

Meet the Master

Vasant Lad BAM&S, MASc

Vasant Lad, the founder, and director of The Ayurvedic Institute, has dedicated the past four decades of his life to disseminating Ayurveda in the Western world. With an unwavering commitment to healing and worldwide recognition as the foremost authority on Ayurveda outside of India, Dr. Lad's webinars encapsulate the essence of his extensive teaching and clinical expertise. Vasant Lad blends scientific and spiritual wisdom to help participants connect with themselves, achieve well-being and support their practice. 

What You'll Receive

Lifetime Access

Watch the recorded session on your schedule. Lifetime access ensures you can revisit the material as needed.

Visual Aids

Deepen your understanding with access to images of Vasant Lad's whiteboard drawings for clear illustration of key concepts.


Earn a certificate upon completion, which may be applicable for continuing education credits

What Our Clients Are Saying

Anka Hoerster

I feel like not just my work as nurse but also my life in a human body has become so much more fluid, translucent and trusting. There is so much more that I need to learn before I’ll be able to effectively support others with the introduction you gave here, but every time I apply some of it already the results are so confirming and sometimes like magic.


Overall, I cannot thank enough Dr. Lad and entire AyurPrana team for this amazing process and support. In nearly 14yrs, this is the longest spell of feeling better without dreading the next relapse. This has also allowed me to reap the benefits of my sadhana to remain in awareness. I am beating up myself for not doing this sooner! Will continue this journey…..

Pranayama Participant

I loved the ways in which you explained things to us, the joy and the good energy you transmitted. Thank you so so much! And I am grateful to Dr. Lad, such an honor to practice with him and learn from his expertise! This immersion was worth every cent, glad that I overcame the stingyness of doing something just for myself.


If you have additional questions, please reach out to our care team